ISON IMPORT - EXPORT Co., Ltd. “SUNNY” brand emergency light have been available in the local Thai market for the past 35 years, starting from a small business named Ngow Ha Limited Partnership located at 1048 Nakorn Chaisri, Dusit, Bangkok. At that time, “SUNNY” emergency light was imported only 3-4 models for a local distribution in a limited area.
Later,Ngow Ha Ltd. Part. started to spread the SUNNY brand through the market. The company again changed its name to Sunny Engineering Co.,Ltd. to be in line with the company’s products and to expand its customer base. At that time the company was vey successful in importing the emergency light to Thai market. For this reason, the company began to manufacture its own products and changed its company name to be Sunny Engineering (1998) Co.,Ltd. Beside all those of the SUNNY brand were passed inspection for manufacturing standards from the office of Industrial manufacturing standards, Ministry, number 1102-2538 on July 24, 1995. Also, it was the first brand in Thailand to receive the certificate number 1955-2542. Until today, we develop the products into the standard and receive the certificate number 1955-2551.
Nowadays, the company plans to expand the market to the foreign market. As a result, we used the IsOn Import-Export Co.,Ltd. for selling the products in Thailand and to the other countries. We also received the trade mark to sell the products to around the world by using the company’s name to be “IsOn Import-Export Co.,Ltd.”
ขอใบเสนอราคา 30 ลูก Battery SN 12v7.5ah
1.Battery Sanny 12Volt 7AH P/N : SN7-12 @ 6 EA
2.Battery Sanny 12Volt 12AH P/N : SN12-12 @ 3 EA
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